Friday, April 3, 2009

How to draw... when you have no skills whatsoever

If you grew up with a sister like mine, who was more artistic than it should be allowed, you were probably very aware of your lack of artistic skills. However, I loved to draw and paint and craft, even if my projects were never really neat.

A few months ago, I found the solution to my problems: Drawing Coach. This is a webpage with step by step tutorials and that teach you things as simple as drawing a flower, to learning how to draw perspective.

First I learned to draw this beautiful lotus flower, then I started working with cartoons, people, houses, scenery. It's a lot of fun, but I still have a long way to go before I can call myself an artist. I still have to look at the step by step pics to draw them, but I'm getting there. I'll try to post some of my creations, though it might take a while. I'm still trying to figure out how this thing (blogger) works.

Anyway, I hope you get a chance to enjoy it and learn a thing or two about drawing.

love out,


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