Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Blogs that inspire...

My journey into the world of blogging is merely beginning. I still have so many new and wonderful things to learn about it's inner workings. I'm making it my goal to write at least once every day. There are so many benefits of Blogging the least of which is being able to practice my writing and keep my brain active. It's a wonderful way to have to read and surf the net and actually come up with new topics to write about. This is probably the best exercise an aspiring writer can have.

Every morning, before work, I try to surf the net and read other blogs. I've found so many great writers and I have to admit that I've become a regular reader of many. What surprises me most is the passion that some writers put into their Blogs. Their topics are always interesting and entertaining.

One of these blogs is A Beautiful Mess by Elsie Flannigan, a young artist who constantly posts about her life and her art. She posts pictures of her friends and the crafts that they make. She also has a wonderful store where she sells her art, from Scrapbooking art to paintings of beautiful and delicate girls. The truth is that if I lived in her town, I would probably blow my paycheck in her store. The main reason her blog has caught my attention is the fun way she writes. Reading her blog has become a way to draw inspiration from her work and to encourage myself to find my artist within. Her pictures are always fun and artistic, so colorful. This is one blogger that I intend to keep in sight.

Pink for Perfection is another favorite of mine. My sister introduced me to her blog and I was psyched. She reminds me so much of us (Sister and I). She writes about many different subjects, from crafting and designing to delicious recipes. She writes about the stuff she finds online: cool jewelry, good blogs. She also writes about her findings in flea markets and about her opinion on different subjects. It's definitely a good read.

However, the ultimate Blog, the one that started it all, the inspiration to begging blogging: The Pioneer Woman. My sister gave me the link and told me to read the story of how Pioneer Woman met her husband, Marlboro man. So I began reading her Confessions, and trying her Recipes and learning about life in a farm. This is the blog that started it all for me. I loved her voice, if that makes sense, the way she wrote, her style. She really inspired me to try and begging blogging. So, thank you Pioneer Woman for inspiring me to begin this journey into Blogging.

Well, these are my favorite blogs. Although there are so many more out there that are simply wonderful. These are the one that I read on a regular basis. I hope that one day I can too achive what these women have achieved in the Blogging World or, as if heard some say, the Blogosphere.
I have to mention my sister's blog, Confessions of a Designer. She was the one who introduced me to blogs. She's the editor of the Dominican magazine Interiorismo, the first magazine in the Dominican Republic to focus on the work of local designers. Ana has a blog where she writes about her tastes and opinions on trends. We started our blogs at about the same time and she's always telling me about cool blogs that she finds. She's pretty cool I guess, for an older sister.

Love out,

Isabel Cristina

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